

Plumtif Press

Release Date: 6th October 2020

Category: Billionaire SeriesContemporary Romance| Fiction| Woman’s Fiction

Wary by nature in a world of lies, pain, and danger, a spy head bent on maintaining a strictly platonic relationship with her boss in their new out-of-norm friendship, soon realizes her double life and its secrets are in danger of being discovered by her boss’s persistence to unveil the mystery surrounding her. Faced with the choice to either open up or shut him down to protect her secrets, she must decide if their friendship is worth saving.



‘Drop the mask and revel in the beauty of being bare.’ The only directive Phoebe has to adhere to.


With the return of Damien Ambrose, changes were bound to happen. Phoebe Smith expected no less. However, finding herself in a new, odd, and out-of-norm friendship with Federick Archer was inconceivable. And the conception of feeling at ease between Federick’s arms was beyond her wildest dreams. Particularly when the man in question and she had a truculent past.


That said, will their new friendship help Federick take on the almost impossible task of unmasking the mystery surrounding Phoebe? To unveil the dark secrets, Phoebe was adamant on taking to her grave.


What would be Phoebe’s new strategy to juggle Federick’s persistent curiosity and interference in her family? Will she be able to maintain a strictly platonic relationship with Federick?


Entangle yourself into Phoebe’s journey as she begins to see Federick as more than just an annoyance and the devil who terrorised her in their childhood.


A Spy Novel perfectly blended with romance, action, drama and thriller.


‘Drop the mask and revel in the beauty of being bare.’ 

The only directive Phoebe has to adhere to.

Phoebe thought she was an expert in leading a double life. But the moment she accepted Federick’s friendship – a friendship that was never supposed to exist – her vault of secrets began to crack.


Wary by nature in a world of secrecy, pain, danger and business moguls, Phoebe Ziva Smith, a loving mother and covert spy, goes against her better judgement and befriends her ‘boss’, Federick Ashton Archer.


Bent on maintaining a strictly platonic relationship with Federick while searching for a new strategy to juggle Federick’s curiosity and meddling in her life, Phoebe starts to see Federick as more than an annoyance and the devil who terrorised her in their childhood.


However, when Phoebe’s double life and secrets are in danger of being discovered by Federick’s persistence in unveiling the mystery surrounding her, Phoebe is faced with the choice of either opening up to him or shutting him down.


Did Federick make enough of an impact in Phoebe’s life for her to consider their friendship over her secrets?


Breezing through some last-minute paperwork, the natural chemical in my body, acting like amphetamine, I tied up all the loose work I left behind the day before. I was so immensely ecstatic by the sudden appearance of my childhood best friend; I made the mistake of overlooking my daily security routine.

But not today. Making sure everything was clean and adequately locked, I bolted out of Archer & Associate before anyone could stop me. Tonight was going to be a special night — a landmark even. 


“Another great turn of events. I’ve been going through a hard time in my life, and this book has really helped me get through it. There are plot twists at every corner, and the ending—I love how you did it. This 2nd book in the Tame Series had a lot of high expectation to live up to, and it met each one of them. This book is truly amazing and won’t disappoint.”

— Rachel M. Cordero, Beta Reader


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