I am so pleased and honoured to be featured in Arlington Times as an Author. And a young one at that. Meeting and being interviewed by Douglas Buell was a definite pleasure. I got to admit, this article he has written about me and my venture in the writing world is just fabulous. I loved every bit of it.
The article titled Young Arlington author publishes spy thriller written by Mr Douglas Buell tells the story of how I became the author I am today. It goes into detail on how I got to experiment with writing. But most importantly pinpoints the purpose I have in mind. Not just for me, but for others.
After reading this article and what one of my teachers said about me, I was most definitely touched.
Making an impact that would encourage others was always one of my dreams and through my writing, I’m hoping to do so. And for me as an author and a person, this impact can be as minor as making someone smile or laugh through one of my sentences within my books.
Learning about the road I’ve taken, the difficulties and confusion I’ve faced and how I overcame them, is something that I’m hoping you will get a glimpse of as you read this Arlington Times news.

As a resident of Arlington City, I wanted to go one step further and thank the local places that have indirectly helped this young 22 years old Author.
Moe’s on Olympic where the above picture was taken, just got to be the first on my list. Mainly because of the place it provided for not only this photoshoot but for my interview with Douglas Buell for the Arlington Times.
Stilly Coffee House needs to be next on my list. Friendly baristas, and one of the many places I’ve spent a lot of time at meeting with friends, writing, editing, and doing my homework.
There’s no way I could leave out the local Sno-Isle Arlington Library. Not only did it provide me with a safe and cosy place from day to night, to write, do my homework and university assignments. But it also provided me with a space to present my very first book launch. Indeed, it was through this library that The Spy Within was premiered and launched. For this only, I wanted to say a HUGE thank you. Furthermore, the staff is SO friendly, amicable and helpful.
As mentioned in Douglas’s article, Arlington High School also played a role in my writing journey. Read up on Douglas’s writing to find out about those 2 special teachers that played a significant role in me becoming a more outspoken person.
At the same time, I would like to give a shoutout to my home country. Despite being a proud resident of Arlington, I am still a proud citizen of the gorgeous island of Mauritius. For me personally, both of these places are equally meaningful. I wouldn’t be where I am, who I am, without the ventures I’ve gone through and the experiences these two countries have given me. In that sense, Darwin College also deserves recognition for teaching me what I know today. For working so patiently with its student and for being supportive. The diversity of languages and cultures I’ve learned from this high school solely have been immense. And that’s saying a lot, given the whole island of Mauritius is diverse.
Find out more about Mauritius https://fed.etu.mybluehost.me/.website_67f2e0f2/mauritius-a-paradise-island/ my beautiful home country.
Discover each book that is mentioned within Douglas’s writing https://fed.etu.mybluehost.me/.website_67f2e0f2/books/ and give it a try. Plunge into the world within.
At the same time, I would like to invite you to learn more about the making of the Affair Of The Heart and how it got introduced to this world.
Last but not least, Wattpad should be the one winning the first place of what and who got my writing to where it is at right now. As I’ve mentioned in my interview, I had begun writing on Wattpad. Yes, the story that’s out now is slightly different from the original version of the first book of the Tame Series, but it all started in that one place. I am immensely grateful and lucky to have discover Wattpad when I did. I had started writing at 13, but officially started presenting my work to the world at the age of 15, in 2013, when I registered on Wattpad to read books from other authors. The audience alone I’ve gotten from this platform was awe-inspiring. They’ve always been so genuine, loving, encouraging, funny, and plain out a family to me. I love each one of my followers and readers on Wattpad. For that reason alone, I would never stop mentioning how great this platform has been to me. To this day I still use it. And yes, the Tame Series will still be published on Wattpad. I might have gone official, but Wattpad was the ground I started on, and I wouldn’t leave my loving readers from this amazing platform hanging. Yes, as a young author I need to sell copies of my books, so I can make money and a living off of it, but to me, I also value the relationship with my Wattpad family. They deserve the story just like anyone else who buys the copy.
Once again, I would like to say a MAJOR thank you to Douglas Buell for interviewing me, doing his research and taking the time to write about me. Thanks Arlington Times for featuring me within your paper. I am more than honoured and I can’t wait for all that’s to come.
I am so going to go the extra length and buy my first newspaper tomorrow. I am so grateful I want to treasure this piece that was written about me and this moment.
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