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Practising Writing Fiction

Read those 2 extracts and pinpoint what you deem as facts and fictitious details.

I wrote with a specific number of facts and fictitious elements in mind, but you might come up with a different number. Either way, enjoy.


Sitting in the dark shadow, his old, frail body easily covered under the 40 feet high willow tree, the setting sun was his only source of light. The cold air from the bank of water creeping up to him, he reminisced his life as it approaches an end. Pressing his back against the 50-year-old tree — the same age as him — he was grateful to be spending his dying breath amidst the memory of his parents and childhood. By the tree, his parents planted the day he was born. The day he took his first breath. With harboured breath, the irony didn’t escape him. 


Standing by the bank of the lake, the layer of oil floating above the water, glistened and stared back at her. She was disgusted by the amount of pollution that girdled and enwreathed her city. It entrapped the citizens of the town; she had no doubt. Trailing her eyes along the forest line, the sight of trash welcomed her. Empty bottles, plastic bags, wood shaves, decaying foods, household materials, and so much more, she wasn’t surprised City hall had cabinets on cabinets of complaint about soil contamination. Despite herself, she lifted her eyes to the sky. Once clear and beautiful, it now resembled the air during the industrial revolution. Dark and orange clouds of smoke covered the sky.

How many facts and fictitious elements did you identified?

Was your number similar to mine?

P.s; maybe in the future, I will create a whole story where those extracts will be used.