Affair of the heart, a BDSM erotic romance fiction short story was a new path of writing for me. But one that was indeed filled with interesting topics. And the researches I did for more accurate storytelling within the chapters were even more amazing and fascinating.

Articles like Everything You Need to Know About Bondage Sex and Best Oral Sex Positions by the website are just a few of the places I went to find more information.
Youtube was another one of my resources while trying to learn more about bondage and how to correctly do rope tying.
At the same time, I got the opportunity to meet a few people who are in the BDSM world and didn’t mind answering my probing questions. Other people have most definitely influenced my writing of ‘Affair of the Heart’ and its involvement with bondage and submission in a more indirect way.

Sarah Smith and Harley are definitely some of these people in my list. From their daily tweets, I was able to get a better understanding of this world that’s often so frowned upon. Following them on my twitter has definitely been a joy.
Mijnheer Van Den Engel has been a dear friend in this journey of mine. He too has written books on BDSM and is currently working on a new book. His page on facebook or Instagram is definitely worth a view.
Speaking about Instagram I was lucky enough to meet some other genuinely fascinating people who are a part of this intricately beautiful world. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal their names. But they were definitely an influence in the making of this particular erotica.
All in all, the journey was amazing and I can say one of the most fun research I had to do. I can’t wait to write something in the same genre and continue to learn new things.
Life is all about learning, after all.
We are a student of life, for life.
More information about where to get your copy of ‘Affair of the Heart’ can be found by clicking below.

Also, quick side note: I wanted to point out that I did write up a small article about Moving Away From the ‘Dangerous’ Postulation of BDSM Practices to compliment the launching of the ‘Affair of the Heart’. And that’s simply because I realize there are a lot of ideas of what BDSM means out there. And yes, there are some dangers. But so does any practices and relationships if precautions are not taken in advance.
For anyone wanting to try BDSM or just some simple bondage play, know that some caution needs to be observed. And TRUST in your partner is a MUST. That’s why you discuss with your Dominant/partner before any session.
At the same time, I did wish that there was a BDSM counsel in every city. Like that some issues about it would most certainly be resolved … For those who need it and are looking for that help. But mostly to let those dominants who takes advantage of this delicate relationship know that there’s consequence for everyone. Not just for the subs.
Then again, that’s just a thought, I’m putting out there.
Returning back to some of the things that were in the use while writing, editing, designing, and publishing ‘Affair of the Heart’. If you haven’t checked out the playlist I made for our beautiful kink family; readers and writers alike, go on Spotify right now. There are some pretty good songs there.
P.s, I am still taking in songs name to add to this playlist. I want this to be diverse and unlimited. Language is not a barrier here. So, please, feel free to send me titles and names of songs for me to choose from.
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