The Series You Didn’t Know You Needed

The Spy Within: The first book of Tame Series

“Don’t you dare walk away from me in this manner ever again! Do you get me, Miss Smith!?”

Forbidden to kill her boss after he discovers the existence of her sons, a ferocious spy has to work harder to maintain her double-life and the secrets hidden in her closet.

Driven by hatred and a need for vengeance in a world of spies and business billionaires, a ferocious spy starts to find it difficult to successfully lead a double-life when her past comes knocking at her door at the same time that her boss, a ruthless tycoon, from her ‘normal’ life, finds out she has two sons. Forbidden to kill her boss, she has to figure out how to handle him while protecting her secrets and keeping her family safe. 

Join and get entangle in Phoebe’s journey.

Video Edited by Aaron Dasani: His Youtube Channel:…

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