I knew there would come a point where Federick’s prying would unnerve Phoebe. But instead of beating his post-derrière, Phoebe is willing to venture into a new, dangerous path and reveal some of the truth.
Should she do that, though? What’re your thoughts?

Joseph might be fine and really quite happy that Federick is being brought in on some of the truth, but if you remember anything from The Spy Within, I know of one person who is going to be MAD.
While reading The Spy Within and Unmasking, you would have noticed that once Phoebe gives her words, she doesn’t take them back — unless the promise was given under duress or some sort of deception was involved. With this in mind, do you think it was wise for Phoebe to give Federick her words?
My girl is truly in an impasse.
Read more of Unmasking — Book 2 of Tame Series and see what Phoebe does:

You can now read Unmasking on Wattpad for free: https://www.wattpad.com/1095190385-unmasking-book-2-of-tame-series-unnerving-q-a
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